Awesome Womens Shirt Blog - Tiny Men Lift Awesome on Your Chest

asked a red head brand ambassador if she wanted to have a drink with me while she modeled my Awesome tshirt  

She said "Sure, but you should put on a swimsuit".  I said "I normally wear one as not much fits me".  She laughed and said "Perfect".

The photographer and I were at the bar waiting when she walked over from the counter bar with her mug of green beer.  She said "Hi little runt man, are you ready for me to have a drink with you?"  "Sure" I said.  She sat her beer mug down and said "Get in".  I laughed, "Get in your beer mug?" "Yes" she grinned as she reached for me.  "I'm having a A drink, WITH YOU" she said as she grabbed my hand and lifted me off the table, and lowered me into her beer.

"Ok, lets get a photo with my new drink, lets call it 'beer man'" she laughed as she lifted me up.  Then she quipped "Try to look cool my little garnish".

Get the Awesome Women's Shirt here and only here!

Check out a short video of our little runt man in her glass on YouTube

Have a little fun and check out this unique fun design from our little designer.Note:  The little runt man was not harmed (bad) in the making of this shirt or in the photoshoot.  He was a little pruny and green, but you would be too after a few hours in a mug with green beer, but it was fun.Shirt features AWESOME on your chest and 2 men underneath the word awesome while they lift and praise YOU boss girl — The design draws attention to your assets, with the 2 hardworking men have a ribbon on their ribs for breast cancer awareness.Perfect party shirt for girls night out or bachelorette party ideas!

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